On Sunday, Fiona and I went to brunch with a couple of my best friends from high school. Our friend, Lynn was in town for the weekend, so we all met up at IHOP. We had a great time catching up and eating some yummy pancakes (I had chocolate chip, mmm). Fiona enjoyed the pancakes and the attention, of course.
Eileen, Beth, and Fi
The pink side of the table. We honestly did not coordinate our outfits, or maybe we did.
Me, Lynn, and Fi
It was fun, and we need to do that way more often than we do. Especially since 3 of use are in town, so no excuses. Well, I suppose they both have the excuse of being fairly new teachers at the beginning of the school year. Anyway, we parted with the promise of getting together more frequently, and I plan to hold them to their word.
On another completely unrelated note, Fiona had her 9 month well baby visit. Any guesses on her weight?
Here are her stats:
Weight: 17 pounds 9.5 ounces, 26th percentile
Height: 27.25 inches, 37th percentile
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm, 65th percentile
Height: 27.25 inches, 37th percentile
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm, 65th percentile
So she's still a little peanut, but with her Daddy's large noggin. Everything else at the visit was pretty uneventful. She is hitting all her milestones and they of course poked her a couple of times, which she was thrilled about.
Lastly, I leave you with a picture from our baby playdate the other week. It isn't the best picture to illustrate this, but you can get an idea. Both these babies are pretty close to the same age as Fi, but are in closer to the 90th percentile. No surprise she is in about the 25th percentile. She pretty much avoided the other babies at the playdate and did her own thing. She sure loves to look at pictures of her baby friends though.

What a doll! Looks like you all had a great time.
That's a funny picture. We should do more play dates, but where no babies are secretly sick and get other babies sick as well...glad her check up went well.
Such a cutie. Love the pic of all the babies playing.
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