Over the last few months I have been fortunate enough to try out a handful of different cloth diaper brands. I like trying the different kinds and am always in search of the one that will work the best. It seemed like whenever I talked to other cloth diapering moms FuzziBunz was mentioned. I have to admit I was a little hesitant to try these diapers because of all the hype. Everyone said they were great and that I would love them. Surely, there was no way that they could be that awesome. I've not always had great luck with diapers that other people swear by. However, I decided that I wanted to at least give them a shot before writing them off.
Laura B over at FuzziBunz was wonderful enough to send me not 1, but 2 Perfect Size FuzziBunz diapers to review! I have had my eye on the daisy print, so I was super excited that she was able to send me a red daisy print and a lavender. I decided to go with the Medium size because Fiona is about 17.5 pounds right now and the Medium goes from 15-30 pounds. They are a little big/bulky, but the fit around her legs and tummy are great. I don't mind that they are a little big because that means they will last for quite awhile.

Aside from the appeal of the cute colors and daisy prints, the first thing that caught my eye was that this is a snap diaper. That is good, because Princess Fiona figured out how to remove aplix (velcro) diapers a couple of months ago. She has yet to figure out snaps, so they are essential to keeping her cute bottom diapered. What is even better is that their snaps are guaranteed to be sturdy and not need maintenance. That means they will hold up better if you want to use them with a second child.
FuzziBunz are a pocket diaper. That means they have a waterproof outer layer, a soft microfleece inner layer, and a pocket in between where you stuff an absorbent insert. The nice thing about pocket diapers is that you can customize how absorbent you need the diaper to be. The inserts that came with my diapers are super absorbent and work great for daytime, even nap time. We put them to the test and had absolutely no leaks. I didn't trust just one insert for overnight, so I added a second. The diaper still fit just fine with the extra insert and I could have stuffed it quite a bit more if I had a very heavy wetter.

we have a medium and a large FB and we LOVE LOVE LOVE them. jack sleeps in the large and ethan wears the medium. as far as fit and leak protection, they are my favorite.
We won some one size FB and fell in love, then I found some perfect size ones and fell even more in love!! I really want to get a daisy print one, they are so cute!
I've been wanting to try the some FB's. I love my BG's but hate the aplix and have converted them to snaps. I think I need some FB's. Thanks for the review!
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