He is such a cuddler though and so happy to see everyone. He really loves Fiona and she loves him too. Fiona's love comes with lots of hair pulling, pinching, and body slamming, but he takes it all without even batting an eye. If she cries, he comes to get you and cries until you soothe her. He even likes to cuddle up with her for naps.
However, he also loves that she is eating real food now. He used to be content with just begging food from her and she would happily toss him a few bites. The other day I got her out of the high chair, left the kitchen for a minute and returned to find this:

He was busily cleaning off her tray for me. Yuck. He has even gotten brave enough to attempt this while she is in the high chair. Such a naughty dog. It is hard to be angry though when the baby is giggling hysterically.
Well Toby, you are safe for now, but only because Fi loves you so much. Naughty dog.
I have a love/hate relationship with our dog too. I'm not really a dog person in general, but our dog Bubba REALLY is a good dog. He doesn't need a leash, he protects us, he is sweet.. BUT he does and has and will eat Lucas' shirts or clothes if he smells milk on them and I get VERY mad about that!! :(
BUt I know that when he is older him and Bubba are probably going to best friends and I'm going to love sending them both outside to play ball! :)
I think most people probably have that love/hate relationship with their dogs. They are so cute and cuddly but so naughty--kinda like our kids :) Ours loves after dinnertime, too, but he's 100lbs so he can't jump up onto the high chair--I love those pictures, they are so funny! And the cuddle ones are so sweet.
I have 4 dogs and sometimes I love to hate them! LOL! They are good dogs and are great with both of my kids so I can't complain too much. One great thing is that they keep the floor in the kitchen clean! They know to hover under the table awaiting bits of food from the kids. And now my 11 month old has figured out to give the dogs his food. He thinks is very funny!
That last picture would do me in. He is precious and has that look of, "I know you can't stay mad at me." The pictures of them together - how sweet!!!
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