We had a great Easter, yesterday. It was exhausting, but we had a great day. We started the day by getting dressed and giving Fiona her Easter basket from the Easter bunny. She got a handful of candy, which her Daddy graciously volunteered to eat, a sleeper, a teething toy, and a bear/blanket. She really could have cared less, but she looked absolutely adorable in her Easter dress.

Before we had to run out the door to Church we made a quick attempt at a family photo, which didn't turn out great. We took another one later at Mom and Dad's.

After Church we headed over to my parents' house for a crazy Easter dinner. I was a little worried about how Fiona would handle it because it was officially her first Mulcahy holiday. For those of you who don't know about my family, I am the oldest of 6 kids and my parents are both from families of 5 kids. My Dad's family almost all live in Omaha. Of his 3 siblings in the Omaha area the smallest number of children is 4. Everyone gathers together for the major holidays plus some neighbors/friends/honorary family members. Needless to say this ends up being a lot of people. I think my Mom said the count yesterday was 42. Not only are there a lot of people, but there is a LOT of food. No one ever goes away hungry. If you have ever seen the movie
My Big Fat Greek Wedding, that in a lot of ways is my family. Also the husband's family is a lot like my in-laws, as far as contrasts go.
So we ate a lot, Fiona got passed around a lot (she did really well and only got a little fussy when she needed a nap), we had lots of fun talking and laughing and hiding eggs for the kids (I won't even begin to explain the probably hundreds of Easter eggs that get hidden and hunted). Fiona did manage to squeeze in about a half hour nap amidst the chaos. Then we packed up while the party was still raging on and headed over to Easter dinner with Nathan's parents.
His family consists of his parents, one sister, and his grandmother. Talk about switching gears. It was a nice break from the noise, and we had a quieter dinner with them, which was very yummy. I did feel awful because I let Fi get a little too tired from earlier so she was kind of a cranky baby. It was my fault and I'll have to be more careful next time, so she doesn't get too tired for round 2. We still had a nice Easter dinner with Nathan's family and his mother hid eggs around the house for Nathan, his sister, and I to hunt. I hadn't been an egg HUNTER in a LONG time. Being the oldest cousin, with LOTS of little ones, I have been an egg HIDER for many years. After that we took our tired/cranky baby home and put her to bed and we followed her shortly after, being exhausted ourselves. It was a good holiday. Now we just need a day off to recover.
And because I think it is funny, here is a video of Fiona talking and doing her dog pant.