(My friend, Tina, took this picture. Doesn't it make her look more grown up?)
Fiona is getting much better at walking. Before if she stopped or slowed down she immediately fell. It was like she stayed up because she was moving fast enough forward. Now she is a little less wobbly and she will take a couple steps stop and grin at you and then take a couple more. Her favorite game is walking back and worth between her music table and the couch.
This last month she had a babysitter at our house ( her Aunt Maura) for the first time. Before she has always gone to Grandma's house. I was worried about bedtime, but she went down easy without any screaming. That is a major milestone. Only within the last maybe 2 months has she really started to become easy to put to bed for me. However, if I left her home with Nathan than she screamed at bedtime. It's nice to know that we can actually go out occasionally and leave her with a sitter and she'll go to bed for them now.
We're loving this stage and soaking up every second. I know we'll blink and she'll be all grown up and won't even want to cuddle with her mama when she's sleepy. I'm excited for her first birthday and sad all at the same time.
Happy 11 months Fiona!
awwwe! she's such a cutie!
Doesn't that first year go by so fast? They change so much, so quickly :)
I would love to make Fiona a birthday crown--email me with your address and I'll send it to you!
Fiona is super cute! That first year flies by so fast and it doesn't matter if we want it to or not. Just continue what your doing and soak it up... and lots of pictures! :)
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